Since the Supreme Court was created in 1790 it has changed a lot. People didn’t always like the Supreme Court. The amount of justices decided to be in the Supreme Court has changed six times before finally deciding on have nine Justices. There has been 100 Justices in the past 16 years. The justices meet up weekly to discuss what cases they have to hear. They discuss 100 new cases every week and 1,000 every year. With reading 1,000 cases they only consider 100 in that year. Very few cases make it to the Supreme Court when going through the court system.
The video described how the Justices are chosen and what they do when deciding what cases to appeal. They are the only court in the United States that has the power of certiorari. Certiorari is the power of the Supreme Court to pick and choose which cases it hears. The video showed conversations between the nine supreme courts and they talked about their first case hearings. While up on the stand listening to hearings they described having a great power over everyone in the courtroom. 📷