Ethan is 18 years old and was born and raised in Chevy Chase, Maryland. His favorite food is hamburgers. He loves sports and music. His favorite music artist is Lil Wayne and prefers his album Carter V. In his free time Ethan likes to play Xbox, hanging out with friends, and watching movies. What he is most excited for the upcoming fall semester is getting a fresh start at a new school with new people. Ethan played basketball throughout his middle school and high school career before going to boarding school. He went to boarding school in Kents Hill School in Read-field, Maine. Ethan wants to major in business but in a specific way. His dream is to work at the front office of a major sports team and to be able to work with the teams and players statistics. Hopefully he will be able to get an internship opportunity with Highpoint to be able to work with a major team. The specific team that he has in mind is the Wizards because his family has strong connections with people that work there.
Bella is from the city of Lakeway in Austin, in TX. She moved when she was 16 years old from Westlake Hills, TX to Lakeway, TX. Bella is the youngest out of five bothers and three sisters. She went to a big high school called Westlake High School then transferred to Lake Travis High School. Bella's favorite thing to do in Texas is going wake-boarding on the lake and attending concerts. Her favorite food is popcorn specifically the Smartfood kind. Through out her life she has done high school cheer and competitive cheer. She enjoyed competitive cheer more than high school because she liked going to competitions more than football games. She says that every time she was cheering at a high school football game she had to stand a lot and look at all of her friends enjoying the game while she was just standing there. Her favorite type of music is country and her favorite country artist is George Strait. Bella's favorite song by George Strait is Every Little Honky Tonk Bar. What Bella is looking forward to for her fall semester is getting a fresh start and meeting new people. She is going to tryout for the HPU cheer team in hopes to continue her cheer career. Bella wants to major in psychology to help people that are going though tough times. She wants to work with younger children because she can give them very good advice.
Ryan Dirscoll is 18 years old and from Duxbury Mass. His favorite food is Chick- fil- a. When going to Chick- fil- a. Ryan likes to order the spicy chicken sandwich with no pickles, a side of medium fries and a medium Dr. Pepper. In his free time Ryan likes to sleep, hang with friends, and party. Ryans favorite music artist is Post Malone. A fun fact about Ryan is that his is really into cars; buying, selling, and automotive news. Ryan loves going to car shows to look at all the exotic cars and to get to know how much they cost. Ryan loves everything and anything about cars. Ryan drives a blue Porsche with very cool blacked out rims. He enjoys driving his Porsche around campus very late at night. What Ryan is most excited about for the upcoming year is to make sure to stay out of trouble, go to lots of parties, and meet lots of people. While at Highpoint University Ryan is going to be majoring in business administration. What Ryan hopes to do with his degree in business is to be able to buy and sell cars. The cars that he wants to buy and sell are the exotic and expensive ones.
